

So glad you stopped by! I’m a stylist + the owner of Gunn & Swain. This is my life + style blog where I talk about my creative projects, women who inspire me, new product launches, my home and family, and my love for San Diego and Southern California living.

Look of the Week: Erin Wasson x RVCA

At last! For months I've been stalking La Garconne's site in hopes that they'd have the Erin Wasson x RVCA line posted and it's finally here! Erin Wasson is one of my newer fashion icons because she can pull off dressing like Keith Richards while still looking hot. If I tried to do that (which would be my fashion ideal) I would end up looking like a tranny version of Keith. Nightmare material, I know. But I digress! Here are my faves from the line~

Do you get my Keith Richards reference now?

Click here to buy any of these items and more!

Wine and Dine: Alchemy

Look of the Week: Haute Hippie