

So glad you stopped by! I’m a stylist + the owner of Gunn & Swain. This is my life + style blog where I talk about my creative projects, women who inspire me, new product launches, my home and family, and my love for San Diego and Southern California living.

Currently Coveting: Anthropologie Crafts

Last weekend my mom and I were wandering through the shops on Berkeley's Fourth Street and we meandered into Anthropologie. Most of the time I like going in there because it's like a little vacation for my senses. The smells and decor in Anthropologie is what I wish my life was more like: perfectly bohemian yet clean and sweet smelling. It's something to strive for anyway. In the corner of the store two giant lamps caught our eyes and as we got closer, we realized they were simple handicrafts made of a million rubber bands, an embroidery hoop and square chicken wire.

I can't really see these in my home but maybe some smaller versions on the back patio?

I also thought this little guy was super cute~

Please pardon the horrible picture. I was paranoid of getting in trouble for taking photos so I didn't want to try again without flash. You get the idea though... clothes pins glued together at the tips. I have no idea where I would or how I would use this but it looked really cute sitting on the shelf!

Thank you, goodnight

Wine and Dine: Bulk Bin Extravaganza