

So glad you stopped by! I’m a stylist + the owner of Gunn & Swain. This is my life + style blog where I talk about my creative projects, women who inspire me, new product launches, my home and family, and my love for San Diego and Southern California living.

Accidental Co-Sleeping

Accidental Co-Sleeping

Well, here we are with an almost 14 month old toddler who has 11 teeth, is walking with some amount of confidence, saying a handful of words... and not sleeping at all at night. Our son wasn't a great sleeper either but he slept in his crib from 3 months on and didn't nurse at night after that point. This girl is a whole different story.


She started teething at 6 months and has averaged at least one tooth a month since then and each time she cuts a tooth or hits a developmental milestone like crawling or walking, her sleep gets even worse. She had terrible reflux as a baby and we think she may have mild sleep apnea as well. If she wakes up and cries for even 5 minutes, she will barf or dry heave so the whole cry it out method just isn't an option even if we wanted to go that route. That doesn't leave us with many options. And we're just really exhausted at this point. So we're co-sleeping out of necessity. I can roll over and nurse her a million times a night as needed and we can both lean over to make sure she's breathing. It's not what we planned to do but it's the way things have worked out for us. We just upgraded her to the Dockatot Grand and we're hoping that if we can get her used to sleeping in that over the next few months, we can transition her to her own room and sleeping space in her Dockatot. Wish us luck!


Dockatot provided us with the Grand Dock but I'm not exaggerating when I say it literally saved our lives and we love this brand so much. It has gotten us more sleep than we would've gotten without us and at this point, that feels like a lifesaver! Images by Taryn Kent.

Mini Mermaid Party For Our One Year Old

Mini Mermaid Party For Our One Year Old

The Most Comfy Eco Friendly Mattress Around

The Most Comfy Eco Friendly Mattress Around